"E iho ana a luna. E pii ana o lalo. E hui ana na moku. E ku ana ka paia."


Ancient Hawaiian HUNA

with Reg Malhotra

DECEMBER 13 - 15, 2024



Up to 24 individuals will qualify for this Live incredible experience. Will YOU be on of them?

Make 2024 the Year Everything Changes

We invite you to discover the ideas and teachings of ancient Hawaiian HUNA.  Part of the original teachings of the peoples of the earth which was centred in Hawai’i.  HUNA comes from ancient times and is one of the original arts and sciences of healing and spiritual development. 

You Have the Power to Create Any Reality You Want

Let’s work together towards your expansion in a way that will bring you even deeper joy, purpose, and fulfilment

Have you been curious about ancient teachings ?

THe HUNA experience may be one of the most powerful and impactful experiences of ancient knowledge you may come across. 

Along with learning techniques for your spiritual and personal development, you will ‘experience’ the knowledge. In fact this experience is only for those who plan of living the teachings of HUNA rather than just learning.

HUNA is about energy, healing, empowerment and applying your spiritual self in a practical way to navigate life’s challenges.

What if you could  connect with a higher power and bring down resources, energy, healing and bridge the gap between being open with spirituality and day-to-day modern life. There is a path that will give you both !

Allow Me to Take You On This Journey Of Connecting With Your Higher Self


Are you ready to discover the wisdom of HUNA ?

During three powerful days, you will discover why HUNA has become so important for us and hundreds of our students who’ve experienced this journey — one that delivers the joy, excitement, and fulfilment you’ve been craving.

You’ll learn ancient techniques for calming, centering and increasing the life-force energy (Mana) inside you… be guided through 5 meditations (initiations) in the 5 elements (fire, water, earth, air and space – Ahi, Wai, Honua, Makani and I’o)  and on how to go back to your first encounter with each one of them … .

In addition, make the connection on how you can use your relationship with your higher spiritual self to continually heal and grow your relationship with self and others.

You see life is not only about the physical body. A life truly lived includes evolution of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies ..

In HUNA, the way to spiritual growth includes the understanding and development of each of the bodies as they develop and mature. 

As a person matures, each body becomes available to be developed and integrated.

TAKE ACTION TO TODAY – and get your application in for consideration for this life changing expereince.

As One of Our Exclusive HUNA Attendees,
You’ll Receive:

3 Powerful Days with your Trainer & Guide, Reg Malhotra, including guided meditations, initiations and learnings that are rarely available in this format.

The teachings of HUNA humbly shared by Reg are different from most seminars available. Reg got permission from Kiaina'auaomaikalani to learn, practice and teach the Huna of the Bray family from Hawai'i. This is a lot more than a training, as it is an introduction to a way of spiritual growth shared through an honored lineage.

History of HUNA

HUNA may be as old as 35,000 years and is the name itself is a western label given to an ancient system.


Awaken parts of your neurology with the ancient Hawaiian chanting


an ancient & transformative process to heal relationships to support your evolution


Increase your life-force energy and learn techniques to do that even after the seminar


Experience shaman states for learning and accessing deep resources

HUNA model of the three minds

Make a connection with the highest mind

Purling falls, Springbrook, Queensland Australia

Here’s a little sneak peak into the schedule:

Day 1

Get Clear, Focused & Grounded in the Moment.

Disengage from the "busy-ness" of your life so you can release anything that you may have 'collected' so that you can open yourself to deeper insight and clarity.

Day 2

Tap Into Your Life's Purpose & Passions.

Discover or re-connect with what you most want to achieve in life - and get the insights you need to pursue your purpose with enthusiasm and integrity. You will have a number of different experiences through ancient Hawaiian HUNA techniques and specific meditations to receive the insights you need.

Day 3

Connect with the 5 elements and the intelligence that is Your Higher Self

Be guided through 5 meditations (initiations) in the 5 elements and on how to go back to your first encounter with each one of them

Included also:

Ha Breathing

Tap into your life energy using the special Ha Breathing techniques


Principles of Ancient teachings including from ancient Hawaiian, Sanskrit & Indian scriptures

Never before shared deep knowledge from Reg plus bringing it all together.

A mix of activities on each of the days including breathwork, meditations, life altering group hypnosis sessions and much more

Included are daily Q&A sessions with Reg, experiences with the most life changing chanting, a deep understanding of the three minds and four bodies and much more ...

TAKE ACTION TO TODAY – and get the close mentorship & support you need to create the life of your dreams.

Complete the form below to download the Participant Application

I’ve purposely limited the seats to this seminar to a max of 24, to give everyone a very personal experience.

An NMA HUNA experience will be a sell out – given that its very rare for us to host one. QUESTIONS? Our team is standing by to help.

Call: 206-429-4196

YES, Reg I want to be considered as one of the 24 committed people to participate in your Introduction to Ancient Hawaiian HUNA expereince on Apr 5 – Apr 7, 2024 

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This is the Opportunity to Take Your Spiritual Development  to a whole new level with Neuro Masters Academy.

The work we do together at this seminar will help you approach life with even greater passion and purpose, and a deeper sense of accomplishment

If you’ve been wanting to make big changes and grow your spiritual self..

If you’ve felt the power within you and now want to explore it even more..

If you want to learn & experience in a way that you feel aligned, relaxed and inspired..

If you want to set yourself up for a powerful 2024 ..

… This is your chance!

If you’re ready to take make more moves, internally & externally – and seriously commit to creating the remarkable life you’ve always known you were destined for – I encourage you to fill out the personal application form and apply to join me & the team at this incredible HUNA experience.

Are You Ready to Take the Leap and Experience the Life-Changing Expansion & Results in 2024 and beyond ?


We’re here for you. Call us at 1-206-429-4196
or email [email protected]